News and views from possibly the biggest public relations consultancy in the world... well, certainly the largest in Coalville.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Some bits and bobs about us...

1. The name of the business – Quiet Storm – was decided upon after being caught unawares by a heavy rain shower in the middle of Derby, following a new business pitch. The decision was celebrated immediately in the nearest pub.

2. Since then, we have seen the name used as a regular segment on a Friday night national radio show. It is also the name of a nightclub in London, a fashion house in Naples, Florida and an American laxative brand. We thought the association with each of the first three - radio, leisure and fashion - was quite cool. Make of the fourth what you will.

3. We’re the leading PR name in the supply chain industry. You can’t drive for more than ten minutes on a UK motorway without passing, or being passed by, a vehicle sporting the name of a business on our client list.

4. We handled PR activity for Hotpoint for two years, but one of our major successes for the brand was on the advertising side. Of all the advertisements run by Hotpoint on the television and in consumer publications over a two-year period, the most successful was a double-page spread advertorial in the M&S magazine – recommended, written and produced by our good selves.

5. When required, we’re good at minimising, rather than maximising, editorial coverage. Examples where we can’t show you lots of cuttings include poor financial results, racist graffiti, slow response times to emergencies, dodgy customer damage claims, depot closures, road accidents and obnoxious security guards.

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