News and views from possibly the biggest public relations consultancy in the world... well, certainly the largest in Coalville.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Money well spent

For the second time in recent months, we have a client who had intended to reduce their PR budget after the first six months, deciding to maintain the original level of activity.

In an economic climate where every penny still counts, this goes to show that the results we have achieved for them represent a healthy return on their investment. In this case, in addition to media coverage with a value of more than seven times the fee, the client has also received a number of sales enquiries as a direct result of this work - not bad for a company which only set up in the UK last year.

Their decision makes the hard work, and in some cases, sheer persistence, involved in achieving these results all seem worthwhile. And who knows, if we can improve on the success of the first six months, they might even increase the budget...

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